
Latest WordPress is Version 4.9

The newest update to WordPress, version 4.9, has been released. It’s imperative that you update your WordPress install immediately to keep your website secure, along with all plugins that will u...

Starting a Blog

  I’ll be honest. I love WordPress. I’m a WordPress junky. I was using WordPress when the Internets were still calling this thing you’re reading a weblog. Does anyone use a feedreader anymore? Ye...

WordPress Updates

WordPress released an update to version 3.14 on June 29th. WordPress 3.1.4, available now, is a maintenance and security update for all previous versions. This release fixes an issue that could allow ...


If you’ve ever heard Matt Mullenweg talk about the early days of WordPress, the South by Southwest (SxSW) Interactive festival that takes place each spring in Austin, TX usually crops up in the story....